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Toy Manchester Terrier Breed Description

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Breed Organization

American Manchester Terrier Club

Native Country
Great Britain

Other Names
American Toy Manchester Terrier, Black and Tan Toy Terrier, English Toy Terrier

Life Expectancy
Approximately 13-16 Years

Litter Size
Average 3-5 Puppies

Breed Group

General Description

The Toy Manchester Terrier in North America is a small, long legged dog with a short coat marked with tan, a long tail and ears which stand upright. In color and general conformation the Toy Manchester Terrier follows the standard for the Manchester Terrier. However, the Toy Manchester Terrier cannot exceed 12 pounds (5.4 kg) in weight; and, unlike the larger Manchester Terrier, for the Toy Manchester Terrier, cropped ears are a disqualification. Ears should be wide at the base and pointed at the tip.

Breed Standard

Head: Long. Narrow, flat skull. Slight stop. Muzzle tapers slightly toward the nose. Strong jaws.
Ears: Long and erect. Wider at the base and tapering toward the slightly pointed tip. Set well up on the skull and relatively close together.
Eyes: Small, almond, set obliquely in the skull. Dark to black color.
Body: Compact. Long, graceful, slightly arched neck. Straight, deep chest.
Tail: Set low. Thick at the root and tapering to a point, not reaching beyond the hocks.
Hair: Short, dense, thick.
Coat: Black and tan (black with tan markings). Jet black and rich mahogany tan. Clear, well defined lines of color. Tan markings on the muzzle, lower jaw, throat, and front of forelegs. Tan spot above each eye and on each cheek.
Size: 25 to 30 cm.
Weight: 2.7 to 3.6 kg.


The Manchester Terrier, from which the Toy Manchester Terrier was bred, was developed in the 19th century from crosses between an old Black and Tan Terrier with the Whippet, along with other breeds, primarily for rat-catching. In England, another breed was also developed in the 19th century in Manchester, the English Toy Terrier, as a separate breed from the Manchester Terrier. The English Toy Terrier was a popular pet in Victorian England, and bred to be very small, some weighing as little as 1 kg (2.2 lbs.)

The Toy Manchester Terrier breed was developed by breeding down the Manchester Terrier in size. In the United States in the 1920s the breed was called the Toy Black and Tan Terrier. The name was changed to the Toy Manchester Terrier and the Toy Manchester Terrier Club was formed in the 1930s. The Toy Manchester Terrier was recognised by the American Kennel Club in 1938, but by the 1950s the breed had declined and the breed club ceased to exist. Due to declining numbers of the breed, the Toy Manchester Terrier breed was re-defined as a size division of the Manchester Terrier in 1958 by the American Kennel Club, and the club name (including the two breeds as varieties) was changed to the American Manchester Terrier Club in 1958.

In England, the very similar English Toy Terrier (Black & Tan) has also declined, to the point where it is listed by the Kennel Club as being in danger of extinction. In order to rescue the breed, the Kennel Club has opened the stud book to allow certain selected examples of the North Toy Manchester Terrier to be registered and bred as an English Toy Terrier (Black & Tan). However, the two breeds are not considered to be identical, and the standards for the two breeds show different requirements.


This energetic, lively, hardy little dog has a true terrier personality. He is a cheerful, affectionate companion. Wary of strangers, he also guards the home, raising the alarm with his shrill bark. Firm training is needed.

This breed is well suited to indoor living. The Toy Manchester Terrier needs little exercise. Daily brushing is required.


"Ratter", Pet.


Sensitivity to the sun, cold and damp weather, deterioration of the ball of hip, possible skin ailments, fractures, slipped stifle, glaucoma, and von Willebrand's disease.

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Jeff Gold lives in Watkinsville, Georgia on the same property as Rescue Me's Animal Rehabilitation Center, with 18 rescue animals. Shown with him in the photo to the left are Maggie, Izzie and Cortez. In 2003, after learning there was nobody doing boxer rescue work in Georgia, Gold founded Boxertown, an organization which helped find homes for over 500 boxers during its first two years. Based upon this success, Gold came up with the vision for Rescue Me! ― a network which helps all breeds of dogs, cats and other animals find good homes, anywhere in the world. is also a free service of Rescue Me! and provides the world's largest and most up-to-date directory of animal rescue organizations for all breeds of dogs, cats and other animals, including a comprehensive directory of wildlife rehabilitators in over 150 countries.
