
The Furry Critter Network

Slovakian Chuvach Breed Description

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Breed Organization

United Kennel Club (UKC)

Native Country
Slovak Republic

Other Names
Slovak Cuvac, Tatransky Cuvac, Slovensky Kuvacatransky Cuvac, Slovensky Kuvac, Slovensky Tchouvatch

Life Expectancy
Approximately 11-13 Years

Litter Size
No Litter Information Available

Breed Group

General Description

The body of Slovak Cuvac is slightly longer than higher. Strong and straight ridge goes - way to lower back - a little bit sloped. Strong square butt is slightly sloped, too. The low-placed tail is worn hanging, reaching hock joints. Chest reaching to elbow joint and chest's width can compared to circa one quarter of scapula's height. Ribs are well rounded and achieving long back. Belly and flanks are slightly pulled. Long scapulas are slant laid. The Slovak Cuvac has straight legs placed vertically to his body and well angled. The front paws are compact, rounded. The back paws are a little bit longer. The neck is as long as head.

The wide and elongated skull is a little bit arched, but the top of the head is flat. With side view are straight line of top of the head and straight line of nose's ridge parallel. The stop is well apparent. The supra-orbital arcs are marked, the frontal groove is flat. The wide and heavy mouth is slightly narrowed to top of the nose and is a little bit shorter than the skull. The lips fit tightly. The ears are placed high, reclined and fitted tightly to the head. The ear points are rounded. The eyes are oval shaped with caps fitting closely, straight placed at the head. The Cuvac has scissors occlusion.

The fur is dense and rich, centre parting at the ridge is not allowed. Covering hair, which is constituted by hair with 5–15 cm length, completely covers the shorter, dense and soft undercoat. Male dogs have collar around the neck. The fur is pure white. A yellowish tinge by ears is permissible, but not desirable. The eyes are brown. Muzzle, lips edges and eyelids, like the paw pads, are black.

Breed Standard

Head: Broad skull. Nose bridge is straight. Fairly broad muzzle.
Ears: Set on high. Drop, with rounded lower border reaching the level of the mouth. Covered in fine hair.
Eyes: Oval. Dark color.
Body: Broad forechest. Solid, relatively broad, muscular rump.
Tail: Set low. Richly clad. Hangs down when at rest; carried in an arch at the level of the croup when in action.
Hair: 5 to 10 cm long. Thicker and harsher on the neck. Slightly wavy on the back and hindquarters. Short on the head and ears. Mane at the neck.
Coat: White. A small amount of yellow on the ears and neck is permissible.
Size: Dog: 60 to 70 cm (23.5-27.5 in).Bitch: 55 to 65 cm (21.5-25.5 in).
Weight: Dog: 35 to 45 kg. (77-99 lb).Bitch: 30 to 40 kg. (66-88 lb).


The Slovak Cuvac, together with mountain sheep, the Hucul horse, and typical inhabitants of the mountains, formed the fundamental economic preconditions for the utilization of pastures for cattle. The inhabitants of the Slovak mountains were mostly free people who defended the frontiers and paid duties in sheep's cheese. The institution of these people was called "Valassky Opasok" and its center, until the abolition of serfdom, was Kosice. The members of this shepherd military system did their service on mountain meadows with their companions - the hearty white dog called the Slovak Cuvac.

A good watchdog, guard, shepherd and companion, the dog proved itself also in watching cattle, turkeys, and other domestic animals - as well as its master's household. Holiday makers and visitors to the mountains and spas took to this breed and began to carry it to the lowlands.The Slovak Cuvac is used on sheep farms and mountain ridges as well as homes and frontiers. He is boundlessly loyal and stout hearted. He resists every enemy - bears and wolves included. According to the time honored shepherd's tradition, he is always bred in white to be discernible from the beasts of the night.

This breed has been well documented as far back as the 17th century. However, as wolves slowly began to disappear from European mountains and modern herding practices were instituted, the Cuvac was faced with the prospect of being seen as a relic of the past. What few specimens were left in the 1950s were bred carelessly. Credit for reviving the breed and fixing characteristics is due Dr. Antonin Hruza, in cooperation with the veterinary school of Brno.

The registered breeding of the Slovak Cuvac was established in Czechoslovakia by Professor Antonin Hruza from the Veterinary Faculty in Brno on June 4, 1929. The Club of the Breeders of Slovak Cuvac was established in 1933 and a written standard was established and approved in 1964 Dr. V. Kurz). The basic breeding material came from the vicinity of Liptovska Luzna, Kokava and Vychodna as well as from Rachov in the Carpathians.


The dog is known for its hardy constitution, sturdy frame and shaggy white coat. Its frame is massive, and his temperament is naturally lively, watchful, undaunted and alert. These dogs thrive best in an environment of a large family, children and livestock to care for. Farms and ranches make the best homes. These dogs are natural guard dogs. They are gentle and loyal with their family and possessions.


Sheepdog, Guard Dog, Pet.


The dog is known for its hardy constitution.

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