Breed Standard
Head: Broad. Foreface has an energetic expression. Slightly domed skull. Moderate stop. Long, broad, powerful muzzle. No pendulous flews. Dark brown nose. Thick beard.
Ears: Set on high, medium in width, not curled.
Eyes: Oval, the darker the better. Bushy eyebrows.
Body: Square build. Neck medium in length, curved. Withers high, well-muscled. Broad, well let-down chest. Well-sprung ribs. Muscular loin. Broad hips. Slight tuck-up. Short flanks. Long, broad, gently sloping croup. Short, straight back.
Tail: Not too thick. Docked for hunting. Carried as straight and level with the ground as possible.
Hair: Hard, wirehaired, lying flat, dense. Good protection from bad weather and injury. 2 to 4 cm in length. Shorter below the chest and abdomen and on the head and ears. Dense undercoat.
Coat: Dark to medium brown (brown mixed with white or light brown, and grizzled. Mixed with black and white hairs, with or without patches of color).
Size: Dog: 60 to 67 cm. (23.6-26.4 in).Bitch: 56 to 62 cm. (22-24.4 in).
Weight: 27 to 32 kg (59.6-70.6 lb).
The German Wirehaired Pointer traces its origins back to 1880. The breed originated in Germany, where Baron Sigismund von Zedlitz und Neukirch was a leading breeder, wanting to create a versatile hunting dog that would work closely with either one person or a small party of persons hunting on foot in varied terrain; from the mountainous regions of the Alps, to dense forests, to more open areas with farms and small towns. The breed the Germans desired had to have a coat that would protect the dogs when working in heavy cover or in cold water, yet be easy to maintain. Careful crosses of the German pointer with many other breeds. Sources differ on the exact lineage, though the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, Pudelpointer, Stichelhaar, and Deutscher-Kurzhaar are commonly accepted as the most likely contributors. This is a dog that can fully respond to the needs of its hunter. The goal was to develop a wire-coated, medium-sized dog that could:
Search for, locate and point upland game
Work both feather and fur with equal skill and retrieve water fowl
Be a close-working, easily trained gun dog
Be able to track and locate wounded game
Be fearless when hunting "sharp" game such as fox
Be a devoted companion and pet
Be a watchdog for its owner's family and property.
All "drahts" must meet rigorous hunt and physical evaluations before being eligible for breeding. In addition to searching and pointing, these tests include the tracking and recovery of all game including wounded game such as fox, rabbit, deer and boar, which may not be required of a dog that hunts birds predominantly.
For upland (i.e. non-waterfowl) bird work, many GWPs have distinguished themselves with all-breed Field Championships and Master Hunter titles. When purchasing a working GWP, attention needs to be paid to identifying breeders that place emphasis on all aspects of the versatile hunting dog. Among these breeders can be found accomplished dogs including Dual Championships (both field and show).
The German Wirehaired Pointer (GWP) is affectionate, lively, very determined, active and intelligent. Eager to learn and loyal to its family, it needs a handler who is consistent in approach. They like to be occupied, are vigorous and enjoy working for their owners. They are friendly with those they know, but are sometimes aloof with strangers and should be socialized at an early age. They often don't do well in a kennel environment. German Wirehaired Pointers are happiest and most well behaved when they are part of the family and can spend time with their people. They can be rather willful. Some dogs have a tendency to roam. Powerful and energetic, they can become bored and hard to manage without enough exercise. The German Wirehaired Pointer is a good all-around gun dog, able to hunt any sort of game on any sort of terrain. This dog has a good nose and can track, point, and retrieve on both land and water. Loyal and playful, the GWP thrives on human companionship. However, they are still dogs, and all dogs may bite small children without adequate management and supervision. Although they are generally accepting of other dogs, they tend to focus upon the people in their family.
He can live in the city, though not ideal, as long as he gets two long walks a day. He also requires brushing several times a week and attention to the ears.
Hunting dog, companion dog.
Some are prone to hip dysplasia, ear infections, genetic eye disease and skin cancers.