Breed Standard
Head: Long and chiseled. Slightly domed skull. Slightly pronounced occipital peak. Slight stop. Bridge of nose straight or slightly curved, equal in length to skull. Well-developed nose. Cleanly cut cheeks. Tight, thin lips.
Ears: Set on low. Long, thin, supple, and curled.
Eyes: Wide, brown.
Body: Long. Neck lightly boned, long, slightly arched. Chest long, moderately wide. Ribs moderately curved. Solidly attached, slightly arched loin. Flat flank. Slight tuck-up.
Tail: Hanging down to the hock. Thin at the tip, carried gaily in saber fashion.
Hair: Short, fine, dense.
Coat: White with well-defined black spots or flecks. Pale tan markings on the cheeks and above the eyes, forming pips.
Size: Dog: 52 to 58 cm (20,5-22,8 in).Bitch: 50 to 56 cm (19,7-22 in).
Weight: Approx. 30 kg (66 lb).
This dog from Ariege in southern France, sometimes called (the Bastard Hound), was produced by crossing medium-sized French hounds with the Blue Gascony Hound and the Gascon Saintongeois (both pack hounds). The Ariege Hound has the typical characteristics of a pack hound but is shorter, smaller, and lighter in weight. The breed was recognized in 1907 by France's Gaston Phoebus Club. It almost disappeared after World War II but was successfully revived by 1970.
Hardy, tenacious, energetic, and not very fast, the Ariege Hound is merry, docile, friendly, and calm. With his keen sense of smell, superb voice, and determination, he excels at launching the hunt, staying focused and showing initiative. As a small game hound, he is especially skilled on hare but is also used in tracking deer and wild boar. He is very comfortable on the rocky, dry terrain of southern France, and he is easy to train.
The Ariege Hound is not suited to city life and does not like being confined in an apartment. He needs daily exercise. He must be brushed once or twice a week, and his ears should be checked regularly.
Hunting Dog.
There do not seem to have been any health studies conducted on this breed, making it difficult to make any definitive statements about its health. Most seem to believe that the Ariege Hound is a relatively healthy breed and that it does not suffer from genetically inherited conditions at significantly higher rates than other purebred dogs.